What is this?

Lunar Kings are an ancient concept dating back to pre-Christian beliefs. They are aligned with the cycles of the Moon, embodying the powerful, transformative energy of its dark and light phases. Lunar Kings are mythical personifications of transformation and renewal, representing a cycle of death and rebirth, darkness and light. Rituals associated with Lunar Kings are often held on nights connected to astronomical events such as eclipses, full moons, and new moons, invoking the power of the Moon to ignite transformation, both personal and collective.

See also: mythic masculine, sacred masculine, divine feminine, king david, iron john

Metamodern Spirituality | The Animate Everything (w/ Sophie Strand) 6,362

EP 227, Sophie Strand: Mushrooms and Mind 513

On Mycelium, Compost, and Animate Sensibilities: A Conversation With Sophie Strand 278

Re-imagined Education, Cybernetic Flow and Bewilderment with Sophie Strand and Bayo Akomolafe - E147 274

Rewilding Myths with Ecology with Sophie Strand 224

Re/searching the Sacred | REC 2.0 210

The Rewilding Podcast Episode 28: Rewilding Myth w/ Sophie Strand 122

Spark Series: Sophie Strand 121